Gidday Yanks from Down Under.

An American once told me "the best Americans are Australians". That may have been true at one point, but sadly, that is not the case any more. But perhaps it is still true that "the best American is an Australian". You be the judge.

In case you dopey dipshits haven't noticed, you keep electing limp-wristed faggots who keep shutting each others' dicks in the door instead of taking down your enemies.

Trump had a perfect casus belli to take down the Iranian dictator (the guy with a slogan "Death to USA") and liberate 70 million Iranians from state-slavery, when the dictator shot down a US drone in international waters. Iran would have been liberated while the UN was still debating whether this was "legal" and perhaps an over-reaction. Instead, he decided to play patty-cake. What a useless pile of shit. The Democrats didn't call him out for that, so they're no better either.

What you need is an AMERICAN, er, AUSTRALIAN.

Paul Edwards, the current chairman of "Liberators Without Borders" is planning on running for US President in either the 2024 or 2028 depending on how fast you idiots can move your fat asses.

Note that he is not an American citizen, nor does he intend to become one, nor does he even intend to travel to the US. We have this snazzy thing called the internet.

I notice that some bigot has put in the US constitution that the US president needs to be a natural born citizen, regardless of whether there is a far more qualified foreigner available to do the job. So the first order of the day is to remove that. Which requires a Constitutional Convention. I'm only planning on insulting enough people to get 51% of the vote, so getting the US "house" (wtf?) to vote 2/3 is out of the question. I will instead be aiming for 2/3 to 3/3 of the states to call the convention. And these jackasses have a vested interest in keeping their jobs, so I can't negotiate with them. I'm going straight to the population.

I'm planning on getting American allies to establish political parties in the US called LWB-D and LWB-R that support my policies. There is a chance that those above clowns with vested interests will pass legislation to shut down a party that is "foreign influenced". If that happens, what I need someone over there to do, without ever contacting me, is create your own website and party where every policy happens to be exactly the same as mine. Especially making it clear that discrimination against competent foreigners has to stop.

Please contact me if interested in protecting yourself from actual enemies instead of clowning around with your stupid pea-shooters pretending you can defeat US government forces. They don't buy ridiculously expensive aircraft for fun, morons, they do it because they can blow you and your stupid peashooter to smithereens. Wars are won in the air by whoever has the best air-to-air missiles, not rednecks who believed too many lies about glorious guerillas. You didn't lose in Vietnam either, dickheads. That was commie propaganda. Note - I am not here to change your belief system with regard to the second amendment. If you believe Chapter 1 Verse 1 of the bible clearly states that you have the right to blow your neighbor's brains out with a specific sort of weapon (not a knife, not an RPG), that's fine either way by me.

You can stop reading now. Below is the original website. I'm not going to bother trying to organize this website because I haven't actually tested whether my website is going to survive, or whether a bunch of PC Nazis or government goons are going to shut it down and/or assassinate me. Go fuck yourselves if you're either of the above, and see you in Hell, motherfuckers.

UPDATE - well, no-one kicked my door down as of 2023-05-09. A bit over 4 months. Pretty impressive. There is a song "Bumper on my SUV" and the singer says she gets to ask questions because she's free. That's fucking right. We already have the best system we know of. I've put my physical body on the line to test the system and as such I am in a strong position to challenge anyone who has complaints about the existing system. Especially assholes who call for a "revolution". Do you assholes know what a revolution actually is? Next time you see a cop on the street, imagine getting a knife and slitting his throat. Are you prepared to do that? Go fuck yourselves. Revolutions aren't romantic. And 100,000 Iraqis died when Bush snr called for the Iraqis to stage a revolution. Count them assholes. 100,000. Dead as a dodo. FOR NOTHING. Go fuck yourselves. What was always needed was external military intervention, which we got in 2003. Thanks to Bush jnr. If you want to worship someone, stop going to fucking church and worship Bush jnr (not snr) instead. #assholes But back to the original point - if you're a fucking sick commie prick who wants "change" (ie 60 million starving to death like Mao managed), then you don't need a fucking revolution, you just need to vote for it. You're outnumbered by people who aren't fucking idiots who are happy to watch their children starve to death because you believed a pack of lies by Marx even though they've been fucking tested enough times already. Go fuck yourselves. You already live in the only fucking known working system. You are already free too. You just have no fucking idea what it's like to live in a place where your dictator can cut your fucking tongue out, and pricks like you don't give a shit. Go fuck yourselves. #assholes You've lost the concept of what it means to be free. Go and listen to the fucking song. "Bumper of my SUV". Female singer. Country and western I think. Go look it up yourselves. It's one of the songs on my playlist. paulnew or something. Look it up yourselves you fucking commie pricks.

Welcome to the website of Liberators Without Borders. We are an international organization based in Sydney, Australia, dedicated to liberating the world as quickly as possible using direct military action which we consider to be the most effective form of foreign aid available.

Before anyone asks "why not use diplomacy?", let it be clear that our organization is willing to wait 30 (THIRTY) minutes for any dictator to stand down in favor of democracy before beginning air strikes. If you think more than 30 minutes is required, then we suggest you get busy writing to all the dictators of the world to stand down, before our forces arrive. You're on notice. Also, we don't believe in the use of economic sanctions which are ineffective and just make the population suffer. You can find out more about our worldview here.

Funding. Ok, so although wars are effective, they're not free. We aim to reduce the cost of war by spreading the costs over the entire free world, plus by using a "light touch" as seen in Libya in 2011. Unlike Libya, we are prepared to turn up a second time if there is further conflict, which will look more like the Philippines in 1989 where the US Air Force merely needed to buzz some Philippines Air Force bases to put down an attempted military coup. Since we don't have direct control over the forces of the free world, we could theoretically have a "DONATE" button and attempt to build our own aircraft carrier and employ Gurkhas to go into the target country. However, even in the US, citizens are not even allowed to own RPGs, nevermind aircraft carriers. In Australia, the restrictions are even tighter. Without safe harbor, and without funding to build our own aircraft carrier, we cannot do any more than lobby governments of the free world (any government) to use their own military. If a government offers to liberate someone, but is baulking because of the cost, we will ask the government to provide bank account details and call on supporters to make donations directly to the government in question. Note that Ukraine did something similar when it was fighting Russian forces in Eastern Ukraine.

Note that we expect all money to be spent on the marginal costs of war, specifically smart bombs and Gurkhas, not fixed costs like aircraft carriers, which the governments were funding for their own purposes already. On the subject of aircraft carriers, the only members of the free world who actually have aircraft carriers are France, India, Italy, Spain, UK and US. We expect to get citizens of all these countries to lobby their governments to take unilateral action, especially by creating a coalition of the willing.

In order to shut down complaints from citizens along the lines of "why should even one of our soldiers die for the freedom of xyz country?", where "xyz" may be a country no-one has even heard of, like Laos, we are going to encourage free world governments to reorganize their militaries so that there is always a Gurkha contingent available to be deployed on the ground. This does not apply to the operators of aircraft carriers or pilots, which would remain under control of free world nationals. Note that this is not a reflection on the bravery or morality of the free world soldiers themselves, who are more than willing to give their lives for the freedom of others, as seen here. This is purely to take care of selfish, hypocritical members of the free world who have no problem with foreigners giving blood and treasure for their freedom, but are reluctant to pay the favor forward.

As 2020 draws to a close, there are two countries of particular interest - Thailand and Iran. Iran is the most strategic target. It has a dictator with an official slogan of "Death to USA", it is developing nuclear weapons, it has a truly cruel (to its own population) government, including institutionalized rape (where are western feminists when you need them? Oh, that's right, too busy complaining that western women earn 0.00001% less than their male counterparts). The government is also peddling (by force) an alternate ideology of "rule by Islamic clerics" which needs to be eliminated as part of the response to 9/11. And it has a population desperate to rise up against the dictator, but faces the technically impossible task of defeating cruel men with automatic weapons (think what happened in WW1 when *armed soldiers* attempted to charge against machine guns again and again and again). Thailand on the other hand is a target of opportunity. It is very hard for the anti-war to argue against liberating Thailand on the basis of "no war for oil", because Thailand doesn't have any oil, just coconuts. And the Thai people are *already* on the streets, facing 15 years in jail for the "crime" of rising up to demand freedom of speech. This girl has the perfect optics. Liberating either country would be fine, or even liberating some other country would be fine. So long as the forces of the free world are constantly at war, working at maximum capacity.

Letter to Australian government

Letter to Thai government

Letter to Romanian government

Letter to Fijian government

Letter to Afghan government

Letter to US government

Letter to Iranian government

Second letter to Australian government

Second letter to US government

Letter to Iraqi government

