EMAIL: SUBJECT: funding the Danish military DATE: 2025-01-13 Hi Mette Frederiksen. (btw - you're beautiful - not sure if that is partly because I know you are the leader of a free people who stood up to be counted instead of a neutral asswipe). Anyway, I have already written to the Australian government asking them to leave ANZUS and set up a bilateral security treaty with Denmark: You can see that here: But I already know that the Australian government - especially under the Labor Party - are a bunch of immoral cowards, so I know nothing is going to happen. However, it just occurred to me that I could bypass those wankers and directly fund the Danish military. Note that in 2014 I donated money to the Ukrainian military too, to protect against Russian Nazis. So it is only reasonable that I now fund the Danish military to protect against American Nazis. I am only interested in funding weapons that can be used to directly kill American Nazis attacking Greenland. I'm not sure what form that should take - SAMs or RPGs or something like that. I'm sure someone in the Danish military would know. Could you please give me an IBAN for the Danish military? And let me make it very clear - I have zero interest whatsoever in a "CARE" package or any other crap like that that makes a Danish soldier 0.00001% more comfortable than he currently is. I want to help kill American Nazis with an Australian-funded munition. Preferably buy the munition from a European supplier like France rather than the Americans themselves. If you can write something on the munition, then I would like "From Australia with love". Thanks. Paul.